Product disclaimer notice

Our cling wrap product is designed to provide a convenient and effective way to store and protect your food. However, we would like to remind you that the use of cling wrap comes with certain risks and limitations.

  • It is important to note that our cling wrap should not be used in the microwaves, conventional or convection ovens, stove tops, toaster ovens, or browning units as it may melt or release harmful chemicals when exposed to heat. Please use a microwave-safe container instead.

  • Our cling wrap is not intended to be used with hot or greasy foods, as this may cause the wrap to melt or stick to the food and potentially tear, compromising its ability to effectively seal and preserve the contents. 

  • Please note that our cling wrap is not a substitute for proper food storage practices, such as refrigeration and proper sealing of containers. While our cling wrap can help extend the shelf life of your food, it should not be relied upon as the sole means of preservation.

  • Our cling wrap is not intended for use with sharp objects or in contact with sharp edges, as it may tear or puncture the wrap, rendering it ineffective in sealing and preserving the contents.

  • Our cling wrap should be kept out of reach of children and pets, as they may accidentally ingest or choke on it.

  • Our cling wrap is not suitable for use in freezing temperatures or with very cold foods, as it may become brittle and prone to tearing.

  • Our cling wrap is intended for single use only and should be disposed of after each use. Reusing cling wrap may compromise its effectiveness and potentially lead to contamination.

  • Our cling wrap is not intended for use with acidic or highly seasoned foods, as this may cause the wrap to break down and lose its effectiveness in preserving the contents.

  • Our cling wrap is not a substitute for proper cleaning and sanitation practices. Before using our cling wrap, please ensure that the surface of the container or food item is clean and dry to avoid trapping bacteria or other contaminants.

  • Our cling wrap is designed for use with food items only and should not be used for wrapping or storing non-food items.

  • Our cling wrap is not intended to be used as a barrier between different types of foods, as this may cause cross-contamination.

  • Our cling wrap is not a substitute for proper food handling and hygiene practices. Please follow all appropriate food safety guidelines when using our product.

  • Our cling wrap may not adhere well to certain types of containers or dishes. Please test the cling wrap on a small area of the container or dish before using it to ensure that it will adhere properly.

  • Our cling wrap may contain small perforations or vents to allow for the release of steam during cooking or microwaving. Please do not attempt to cover or seal these perforations, as this may cause the cling wrap to melt or release harmful chemicals.

  • Our cling wrap may not be suitable for use with certain types of foods, such as foods with high fat, sugar or oil content, as this may cause the wrap to become greasy or slippery and lose its ability to seal properly or may cause melting which may lead to injuries.

  • Don't use our cling wrap to wrap any kind of body part into or around it. It may cause injuries or suffocation.

  • Our cling wrap is not intended for use with foods that are extremely hot, such as soups or stews, as the wrap may not be able to withstand the high temperatures and may melt or warp.

  • Our cling wrap should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight or heat sources, to maintain its effectiveness and prevent it from melting or sticking together.

  • Our cling wrap should not be used to wrap foods that are still hot from cooking or baking, as the heat may cause the wrap to melt or stick to the food.

  • Our cling wrap should be handled with care to avoid tearing or puncturing, as this may compromise its ability to effectively seal and preserve the contents.

  • Our cling wrap may not be suitable for use with certain types of dishes or containers, such as those with irregular or textured surfaces, as the wrap may not adhere properly.

  • Our cling wrap is not intended to be used as a cooking or baking surface, as it may melt or release harmful chemicals when exposed to high temperatures.

  • Our cling wrap is not a substitute for proper food labeling or allergy warnings. Please make sure to clearly label all food items and include any necessary allergy information, even when using our cling wrap.

  • Our cling wrap may not be suitable for use with certain types of food additives or preservatives, as they may react with the wrap and compromise its effectiveness.

  • Our cling wrap should not be used to cover foods that are still warm, as this may cause condensation to form and lead to moisture buildup that can compromise the effectiveness of the cling wrap.

  • Our cling wrap may not be suitable for use with certain types of foods that have a strong odor, as the wrap may absorb the odor and transfer it to other foods.

  • Our cling wrap is intended for use as a temporary storage solution only and should not be relied upon for long-term storage or preservation of food items.

  • Our cling wrap may not be suitable for use with certain types of foods that have a high water content, as the wrap may not be able to effectively seal in the moisture and prevent spoilage.

  • Our cling wrap is not intended to be used in the microwave for more than a few seconds at a time, as this may cause the wrap to melt or release harmful chemicals.

  • Our cling wrap should not be used as a covering for food items that are being reheated in the oven, as the wrap may melt or catch fire.

  • Our cling wrap is not intended to be used as a substitute for other types of food storage, such as airtight containers or vacuum-sealed bags.

  • Our cling wrap may not be suitable for use with foods that are acidic or have a high salt content, as this may cause the wrap to break down and lose its effectiveness.

  • Our cling wrap should not be used in contact with hot surfaces, as it may melt or stick to the surface.

  • Our cling wrap should not be used to wrap foods that are extremely sharp, as the wrap may tear or puncture and compromise its effectiveness.

  • Our cling wrap should not be used to wrap or cover any part of the body, as this may cause injury or suffocation.

  • Our cling wrap should not be used as a substitute for medical devices, such as bandages or compression wraps, as this may cause injury or delay proper medical treatment.

  • Our cling wrap should be kept out of reach of children and should not be used as a toy, as this may cause injury or suffocation.

  • Our cling wrap should be disposed of properly and should not be left within reach of children or pets, as they may ingest it and suffer injury or death.

  • Our cling wrap should not be used in contact with open flames or heat sources, as this may cause it to melt or catch fire and result in injury or property damage.

  • Our cling wrap should not be used in any manner other than as intended, as this may cause injury or property damage.

  • Please do not stick our cling wrap film, cling wrap roll or cling wrap packaging into any body orifices of any kind, human or animal related, as this may cause injuries.

  • Our cling wrap should not be used to wrap or cover any item that is flammable or explosive, as this may cause injury or property damage.

  • Our cling wrap should not be burned or used for inhalation. The produced fumes may cause injuries, suffocation or death.

  • Our cling wrap should not be used to wrap items that are under pressure, such as carbonated beverages or aerosol cans, as this may cause injury or property damage.

  • Our cling wrap should be used in accordance with any applicable laws, regulations, or guidelines, particularly with regards to food safety and packaging standards.

We are committed to offering sustainable products that are eco-friendly, socially responsible, and ethically sourced. However, we want to make it clear that our sustainable products may not be 100% environmentally friendly and sustainable.

Although we carefully select the materials and suppliers for our products, there may be certain aspects of the manufacturing or shipping process that may not be fully sustainable or eco-friendly. We also want to emphasize that our sustainable products are not a substitute for reducing, reusing, and recycling.

We want to emphasize that our sustainable products are not a perfect solution to environmental challenges. Rather, they are one step toward a more sustainable future, and we encourage our customers to make additional efforts to reduce their environmental impact.

  • We cannot guarantee that our home compostable products will break down completely or within a specific time frame. Factors such as temperature, moisture, and the quality of the compost may affect the decomposition process, and some materials may leave behind small particles or residues that may take longer to break down.

  • Our home compostable products are intended for single-use and may not be suitable for repeated or extended use. Reusing or repurposing our home compostable products may affect their ability to break down naturally in a composting environment.

  • It is important to handle our home compostable products with care and to store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture. Exposure to heat, humidity, or sunlight may affect the quality and compostability of our products.

  • While our home compostable products are designed to be environmentally friendly, their production and transportation may still have an impact on the environment. We encourage our customers to consider the entire life cycle of our products, from manufacturing to disposal, and to choose the most sustainable option that fits their needs.

  • While our home compostable products are designed to be safe for the environment, they may still have an impact on local wildlife or ecosystems if not disposed of properly. It is important to follow local regulations and guidelines for composting and waste disposal, and to avoid littering or leaving our products in natural areas.

  • Our home compostable products may have different disposal requirements depending on the region or country. It is important to check with local authorities or waste management facilities to determine the proper way to dispose of our products and to avoid any potential fines or penalties for improper disposal.

  • Our home compostable products may have different certifications or standards for compostability depending on the region or country. It is important to check that our products meet the relevant standards and certifications for compostability and to clearly communicate this information to our customers.

  • Our home compostable products may have limitations or restrictions on their use or disposal in certain industries or applications. For example, some food service or packaging regulations may not allow the use of certain types of compostable materials, or may require additional testing or certifications for safety and performance.

We are proud to offer compostable products that are made from biodegradable materials and designed to break down naturally in a composting environment. Before composting our products, it is important to verify with your local composting facility whether they accept our specific products and what the specific requirements are. Our compostable products may not break down in all types of composting environments and conditions, and they may also take longer to decompose than other compostable materials. It is all depending on the composting environment.

Also, as for our home compostable products, not all home composting environments are the same and that the term "home compostable" does not necessarily mean that the product can be composted in any home composting system. Our home compostable products are designed to be compostable in a typical home composting system, which includes a mix of yard waste and kitchen scraps, as well as proper moisture and airflow. However, factors such as temperature, humidity, and the type of organic matter in the compost pile can affect the rate of decomposition and the effectiveness of the composting process.

By purchasing and using our sustainable cling wrap product, you agree to release us from any and all liability that may arise from the use or misuse of our product and you acknowledge and accept that their compostability depends on the specific composting environment and conditions, and that they may release microplastics during the decomposition process. Please read and follow all instructions and warnings on the product packaging, and use our cling wrap product responsibly and with care.

If you have any questions or concerns about our cling wrap product, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for choosing our product!